Conversations to further the field of coaching.

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Episodes tagged Leadership

Paul Lawrence

Episode 218

Fostering Wise Leadership

In this conversation with Paul Lawrence and Suzi Skinner we dive into their new book, The Wise Leader, and explore how coaching can foster wise leaders, the heart of reflective learning, how effective leaders think differently, multiplicity theory and self-transcendence, power dynamics and connectivity, and the art of dialogue. [Read more...]
Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Episode 177

The Leadership Pause

In this conversation with master somatic leadership coach Chris L. Johnson we explore the practice of presence in the context of leadership, the somatic aspect of presence, working with high stress clients, relating to triggers, stressors and energy leaks, cultivating change through resonance and core presence. [Read more...]

Toku McCree

Episode 136

Mastering Marketing & Selling With Heart

Many coaches feel they’re bad at the business side of coaching and struggling with marketing. In this conversation with coach Toku McCree we explore how to make marketing feel good, the key components to selling with heart, the art of writing marketing copy and the relationship between coaching and leadership. [Read more...]
Carolyn Coughlin

Carolyn Coughlin

Episode 129

From Complexity Fitness to Complexity Genius

In these times of rapid and chaotic change, how can we help leaders understand, embrace and even flourish in complexity? In this conversation with executive coach Carolyn Coughlin we explore how we respond to complexity, what “complexity fitness” is, how adult development relates to complexity, arriving in context and fostering fluidity, testing patterns and moving towards “complexity genius”. [Read more...]
Kari Granger

Kari Granger

Episode 121

Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness

In these fast-paced times, coaches can play a crucial role in shaping leadership and organizational change. In this conversation with executive coach Kari Granger we explore the ongoing shift in business consciousness, what leadership is, stakeholder leadership, partnering with the system, the coaching agenda and creating systemic change. [Read more...]

Alan Watkins

Episode 73

Fostering Growth-oriented Organisational Cultures

Our global reality is that organizations will decide whether or not humanity can shift enough to avoid planetary disaster, more so than politicians. In this conversation with organizational consultant Dr Alan Watkins, we explore how to educate leaders about the developmental gradient, how to help them and their organizational values move up the levels, and the leading edge of our collective evolution. [Read more...]

Kelly Wendorf

Episode 70

What Horses can Teach Us About Leading & Coaching

What would happen if we chose leaders who were more like horse leaders? What can the animal kingdom teach us about living together in a healthy system? In this conversation with coach and equestrian Kelly Wendorf we explore what needs to change in our leadership model, how horses lead, how to attune to horse consciousness and how this can help us help our clients. [Read more...]
Karim Hirani

Karim Hirani

Episode 68

4 Essential Leadership Mindsets and How to Shift into Them

We have never need radical change as much as we do right now. At this pivotal point in human history, how can we help leaders open to the intimate work of inner and relational presence as a transformational tool? In this conversation with Karim Hirani, Global Head of Quality and Design for BTS Coach, we explore the BTS framework for working with mindset shifts, the steps to embodied change and how to help leaders embrace inner work. [Read more...]

Amy Elizabeth Fox

Episode 61

Becoming an Embodied Transmission of Transformation

As the curve of chaos steepens due to COVID-19, leaders are more aware than ever of the shifting demands of organisational leadership. In this conversation with leadership strategist Amy Fox we explore the new competencies required by leaders, the skills coaches need to help them in acquiring them and the missing pieces in organisational wholeness [Read more...]

Erica Ariel Fox

Episode 60

The Power of Myth and Archetypes to Transform in Coaching

As we move deeper into these unprecedented times during the COVID-19 lockdown, how can we best support our leaders as their needs change in response to the global situation? In this conversation with executive leadership coach Erica Ariel Fox we explore how the pandemic is affecting leaders, how we can adapt our coaching accordingly, and Erica’s innovative mythological approach [Read more...]

Jennifer Cohen

Episode 58

Coaching Leaders in Times of Coronavirus

The world is panicking and our leaders are stressed, and yet we need emergent, innovative thinking now more than ever – how can we best support them through these challenging times? In this conversation with leadership coach Jennifer Cohen we dive into the nature of shock responses, how to help stressed leaders reorient towards possibility, development beyond “self” and redefining what service means. [Read more...]

Your Host

Joel Monk

I’m a coach, trainer and entrepreneur.

Recently I saw on a deeper level how all the things in my life orient around cultivating a sense of ‘aliveness’. By this I mean – what is it to be awake and fully expressed in this moment? How can I metabolize the conditioning that binds me so that I can wake up into deeper expressions of authentic, embodied human presence?

I’m deeply committed to awakening the leader that lives in all of us. We’re all being invited to align with what wants to live through us and from here we can truly serve the world with our work.