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Episode 128

Integral Coaching & the Emergent Organizational Landscape

Silicon Valley stands for fast-paced change; what can we learn from a consulting firm working with seed and other early-stage companies at the heart of the evolving world of business and organizational culture?

In this conversation with executive coach and leadership development consultant Matt Auron we dive into the approach of his coaching, culture and leadership development firm Evolution and its roots in integral theory, the potential of these times for cultural experimentation, holistic coaching in organizations, using the “I, We and It” framework, business mirroring life, inductive versus deductive methods of leadership, and finding the core patterns with our clients.

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Information about Neuroscience of Change
In this podcast we talk about:

03:30 About Evolution
07:40 Roots in Integral Theory
11:00 Evolutionary consciousness
13:40 The age of cultural experimentation
21:00 Holistic coaching in organizations
24:00 I, We and It
29:30 Business mirroring life
36:25 Inductive versus deductive methods
41:30 Getting to the core of the issue
45:25 Finding the patterns
48:15 Evolution Leadership Foundations

Resources Mentioned:
Way of the Peaceful Warrior, by Dan Millman
Mankind Project
Integral Theory
Spiral Dynamics
The Hero’s Journey
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Sri Aurobindo
What is enlightenment Magazine
Yuval Harari
The Conscious Leadership Group
360 Assessment
New Ventures West
Integral Coaching Canada
Voice Dialogue
Warren Bennis
Center for Creative Leadership
King, warrior, magician, lover, by Douglas Gillette and Robert L. Moore
Dave Snowden
Leadership and the new science, by Meg Wheatley

About Matt

Matt Auron
Matt Auron

Matt Auron is an executive coach and leadership development consultant. He is the co-founder and managing director of Evolution, a coaching, culture and leadership development firm. As an author, he has been featured in publications such as Training and Development as well as the Organization Development Practitioner. Matt has been trained and mentored by luminaries in the field of organization development such as Peter Block, Chris Worley and Edie and Charles Seashore and continually learns and integrates current thinking into his coaching practice such as neuro-leadership and mindfulness.


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