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Episode 111

The Process of Transforming Paradigms

As coaches it’s our job to map the internal world of our clients; understanding their unique paradigm from which they view and engage with the world is fundamental to deep transformation.

In this conversation with organizational consultant Keith Merron we explore what paradigms are and how they are formed and transformed, the change process, mapping the client’s paradigm, meeting the paradigm’s needs and unlocking the pain body.

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Information about Neuroscience of Change
In this podcast we talk about:

03:30 What is transformation
07:20 How paradigms are formed
12:20 Following the behavioural trail
18:00 Shifting inner paradigms
25:20 The change process
32:20 Mapping the client’s paradigm
37:20 Grieving the old paradigm
41:45 Meeting the paradigm’s needs
48:00 Unlocking the pain body
53:35 The transformational process

Resources Mentioned:
The Art of Transformational Coaching, by Keith Merron
Internal Family Systems
Voice Dialogue
Kurt Lewin Model of Change
Atomic Habits, by James Clear

About Keith

Keith Merron

Keith Merron is an organizational consultant and leadership developer and the founder and Managing Partner of Leadership Pathways as well as a partner at Barbara Annis and Associates. Keith’s early research on the relationships between human development, managerial effectiveness and high performance played a profound role in helping shape a whole new field of study called Integral Theory. Keith has designed and led over 100 seminars and workshops for leaders. In partnership with his clients, he has successfully conducted over 25 large-system strategic, cultural, and technical change efforts.


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