Soul-Based Coaching
In this conversation with Annemiek van Helsdingen we explore the realm of soul-based coaching and tapping into the wider field of knowing, the Clean Language method, using metaphor for change, the relational primacy of life and fostering embodied systemic awareness.
In this podcast we talk about:
02:30 Introducing the Clean Language method
07:45 Metaphors in a group context
14:30 The realm of soul
20:00 The path of wonder
26:00 Using metaphor for change
32:15 Creating the conditions for change
39:00 Working with parts
44:45 The wider field of knowing
49:00 Uncoupling ourselves from effort
54:45 Unpacking metaphors
58:30 The relational primacy of life
1:04:30 Embodied systemic awareness
1:10:45 An exercise for exploration
Resources Mentioned:
David Grove
Peter Hawkins
Logical levels