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Episode 218

Fostering Wise Leadership

In this conversation with Paul Lawrence and Suzi Skinner we dive into their new book, The Wise Leader, and explore how coaching can foster wise leaders, the heart of reflective learning, how effective leaders think differently, multiplicity theory and self-transcendence, power dynamics and connectivity, and the art of dialogue.

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Information about Neuroscience of Change
In this podcast we talk about:

03:30 What’s missing from leadership
08:30 What leads to wisdom
13:30 A wider shift in worldview
19:00 The heart of reflective learning
24:00 The five mantras
29:30 How effective leaders think differently
34:30 Orienting towards joy
40:30 The myth around authenticity
47:00 Multiplicity theory and self-transcendence
54:30 The move into immediacy
58:30 The myth of controlling outcomes
1:04:30 Power dynamics and connectivity
1:09:30 Leadership and management distinctions
1:13:00 The art of dialogue

Resources Mentioned:
The Wise Leader, by Paul Lawrence and Suzi Skinner
John Vervaeke
Ralph Stacey

About Paul

Paul Lawrence

After completing a PhD in Psychology, Paul embarked upon a corporate career with BP plc, leading teams, and businesses around the world. Paul then transitioned into OD roles, starting with a role leading BP’s first-ever global leadership program. He moved to Sydney before starting his own business in 2007. He has 5,000 coaching hours and has published six books and more than a dozen academic articles and book chapters. Paul has taught coaching at the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong, teaches on the Oxford Brookes coaching supervision program, and is an Honorary Research Associate at Oxford Brookes University.


About Suzi

Suzi Skinner

Dr Suzi Skinner (PhD) is a published author, researcher, international leadership practitioner and Managing Director of Roar People - a global leadership consultancy in Sydney and Seattle. Suzi works with organizations internationally to accelerate change toward more inclusive leadership practices and build cultures of leadership at every level.

Suzi’s first book Build Your Leader Identity – A Practical Guide to Leading Authentically from Any Position has sold thousands of copies worldwide. Her innovative programs titled “What’s Your Leader Identity?” continue to be conducted around the world, successfully challenging outdated notions of leading. Her latest co-authored book The Wise Leader published by Routledge in August 2023 represents a culmination of her leader self -efficacy and leader identity research and work in these areas.


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