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Episode 132

The Evolution of Shadow Resolution

As coaches, our primary commitment is to serve our clients. This means fostering a high level of self-awareness around any preferences or projections we may expose our clients to.

In this second conversation with psychotherapist Kim Barta we explore the different types of therapeutic modalities and how to match them to the client, understanding the shadow, the stages of shadow resolution, relationship-oriented coaching, recognising mental calcifications in ourselves and depth coaching.

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Information about Neuroscience of Change
In this podcast we talk about:

01:10 Categories of therapeutic modalities
07:10 Understanding the shadow
11:35 Projecting onto our clients
17:25 Relationship-oriented coaching
19:20 Stages of shadow resolution
24:20 The symptom-aware stage
29:10 The internal-process aware stage
34:35 Third-person perspective clients
38:10 Identifying 3rd & 4th person perspectives
44:20 Depth coaching
48:30 Recognising mental calcifications
54:10 Selecting the appropriate modality

Resources Mentioned:
Dave Snowden
Free Shadow Assessment

About Kim

Kim Barta
Kim Barta

Kim Barta is an internationally recognized psychotherapist and speaker. He works with the entire spectrum of human development from infants to the elderly and specializes in working with advanced developmental level individuals. Kim conducts workshops internationally on human development and the evolution of consciousness. He focuses on practical, embedded, experiential, embodied exercises that make a real difference in people's lives, bringing the mystical to the ordinary for everyday bliss.


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