Conversations to further the field of coaching.

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Episodes tagged integral polarity practice

Thomas McConkie

Episode 107

Integral Polarity Practice

In a time that is rife with divisiveness in the exterior, how do we consciously integrate polarities within ourselves? In this conversation with mindfulness teacher Thomas McConkie we dive into the foundations of Integral Polarity Practice, its origins and applications, ascending versus descending streams, the value of voice dialogue, the deeper workings of polarity and the pitfalls of the construct-aware stage. [Read more...]

Your Host

Joel Monk

I’m a coach, trainer and entrepreneur.

Recently I saw on a deeper level how all the things in my life orient around cultivating a sense of ‘aliveness’. By this I mean – what is it to be awake and fully expressed in this moment? How can I metabolize the conditioning that binds me so that I can wake up into deeper expressions of authentic, embodied human presence?

I’m deeply committed to awakening the leader that lives in all of us. We’re all being invited to align with what wants to live through us and from here we can truly serve the world with our work.