Conversations to further the field of coaching.

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Episodes tagged Coaching Mastery

Jeremy Lent

Episode 113

Towards a Culture of Fractal Flourishing

As we collectively question the foundations of our global culture, its systems, and our individual lifestyles, we are in great need of guidance around human identity, values and how we create meaningful and life-honouring lives. In this conversation with author Jeremy Lent we dive into the methods and impact of meaning-making, the history and cultural differences of the human identity, mirror neurons and group coherence, hedonia and eudaimonia, and the possibility of fractal flourishing. [Read more...]

Keith Merron

Episode 111

The Process of Transforming Paradigms

As coaches it’s our job to map the internal world of our clients; understanding their unique paradigm from which they view and engage with the world is fundamental to deep transformation. In this conversation with organizational consultant Keith Merron we explore what paradigms are and how they are formed and transformed, the change process, mapping the client’s paradigm, meeting the paradigm’s needs and unlocking the pain body. [Read more...]
Jim Dethmer

Jim Dethmer

Episode 109

The Power of Presence

What are we really doing as coaches? What is the key beyond the tools that creates transformation in our clients? In this conversation with conscious leadership coach Jim Dethmer we dive into the topic of presence and leadership coaching, the root causes of avoiding presence, creating sustainable transformation and key presence practices for coaches. [Read more...]

Darren Gold

Episode 105

Meaning-making, Leadership & Identity Construction

The way we ascribe meaning informs every aspect of our lived experience; it may be the single most impactful place to look when we want to create change. In this conversation with executive leadership coach Darren Gold we explore the impact of meaning-making on leadership behaviour, locating leadership blockages, how adult development impacts meaning-making and wiring beliefs into the body. [Read more...]

Debra Pearce-McCall

Episode 104

Interpersonal Neurobiology & Working with Emergence

The impact of our relating is becoming ever more recognised as a crucial piece of the puzzle in our ability to thrive. In this conversation with psychologist and consultant Debra Pearce-McCall we dive into interpersonal neurobiology, the emergent property of mind and how to harness it in coaching, emotional contagion and its implications, the dance of emergence and structure and relationality in the workplace. [Read more...]

Kiosh Iselin

Episode 103

The Role of Desire in Habit Creation

Learning how to motivate ourselves and our clients is key to creating the changes we want. Simply knowing what’s good for us isn’t enough for us to change our behaviour, so what role does desire play in the physiology of habit formation? In this conversation with desire coach Kiosh Iselin we explore the mechanics of desire, the role of desire in habit creation, hacking the dopaminergic reward system and working with self-blaming and procrastination. [Read more...]

Deb Dana

Episode 101

Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Coaching

As coaches, we understand the need to meet our clients where they’re at and instinctively tune into their nervous systems. Polyvagal theory helps us refine this capacity and provides a framework to help our clients understand their nervous systems better. In this conversation with consultant Deb Dana we explore the three organising principles of polyvagal theory, coregulation, methods of self-regulation, how to adapt to your client’s nervous system and how to approach trauma. [Read more...]

Amanda Blake

Episode 100

Memory Reconsolidation & the Neuroscience of Change

The way we engage with the world is largely rooted in learned habits that are deeply embodied. How can neuroscience and embodied coaching inform how we help our clients change? In this conversation with leadership coach Amanda Blake we dive into the neuroscience of change, ways of knowing, how to work with embodied habits and the deep philosophical waters of transformation. [Read more...]

Holly Woods

Episode 99

The Golden Thread of Purpose

Purpose is often spoken about as an elusive thing that requires a certain amount of luck to locate it. But what if purpose was something that was woven throughout our lives, leaving hints at every turn? In this conversation with master coach Holly Woods we explore purpose as a golden thread throughout our lives, how to recognise it, how purpose manifests through stages of development and the magic and struggle around purpose that manifest in the later stages of development. [Read more...]

Verity Symcox

Episode 94

The Coaching / Therapy Divide & When To Refer Clients

The responsibility we have as people working in a helping profession means it’s important for us to know when we’ve reached the limits of our expertise, but working out where that line is can be tricky. In this conversation with Executive Coach and Mental Health Researcher Verity Symcox we explore the distinctions between coaching and therapy, how to know when to refer, and methods of safeguarding ourselves as coaches as well as our clients. [Read more...]
David Drake

David Drake

Episode 90

The Dance of Structured Emergence

Coaching is changing, the methodology expanding. How do we balance goal-oriented techniques with space-holding for emergence? In this conversation with Dr. David Drake, coach and founder of The Moment Institute, we explore working with narrative, structured emergence, nonverbal coaching, and the importance of post-coaching integration. [Read more...]

Paul Lawrence

Episode 88

What is Systemic Coaching

The term “systemic” is bandied about quite liberally nowadays, but is there actually any consensus on what it means in the context of coaching? In this conversation with Dr. Paul Lawrence we dive into how systemic thinking can be applied in coaching, differences between adult development and systems thinking and the evolution of the coaching industry. [Read more...]

Your Host

Joel Monk

I’m a coach, trainer and entrepreneur.

Recently I saw on a deeper level how all the things in my life orient around cultivating a sense of ‘aliveness’. By this I mean – what is it to be awake and fully expressed in this moment? How can I metabolize the conditioning that binds me so that I can wake up into deeper expressions of authentic, embodied human presence?

I’m deeply committed to awakening the leader that lives in all of us. We’re all being invited to align with what wants to live through us and from here we can truly serve the world with our work.