Conversations to further the field of coaching.

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Episodes tagged Coaching Mastery

Carolyn Coughlin

Carolyn Coughlin

Episode 129

From Complexity Fitness to Complexity Genius

In these times of rapid and chaotic change, how can we help leaders understand, embrace and even flourish in complexity? In this conversation with executive coach Carolyn Coughlin we explore how we respond to complexity, what “complexity fitness” is, how adult development relates to complexity, arriving in context and fostering fluidity, testing patterns and moving towards “complexity genius”. [Read more...]
Matt Auron

Matt Auron

Episode 128

Integral Coaching & the Emergent Organizational Landscape

Silicon Valley stands for fast-paced change; what can we learn from a consulting firm working with seed and other early-stage companies at the heart of the evolving world of business and organizational culture? In this conversation with executive coach and leadership development consultant Matt Auron we dive into the approach of his coaching, culture and leadership development firm Evolution and its roots in integral theory, the potential of these times for cultural experimentation, holistic coaching in organizations, using the “I, We and It” framework, business mirroring life, inductive versus deductive methods of leadership, and finding the core patterns with our clients. [Read more...]
Bonnitta Roy

Bonnitta Roy

Episode 127

From Decline and Collapse to Transformation and Potential

In order to foster resilience and ingenuity in these times we need to replace our obsession with decline and collapse with a focus on transformation and potential. In this conversation with meta-cognitive teacher and author Bonnitta Roy we explore the impact of our subjectivity on the personal and collective levels, moving beyond the dominant models of change, shifting from complex adaptive systems thinking to complex potential states, types of conflict, the core-communal and cosmopolitan self, and the potential in the decline of the West. [Read more...]
Steve Hoskinson

Steve Hoskinson

Episode 124

A Trauma-Safe Approach to Coaching

When working with trauma there is often a heavy focus on the trauma and its impact - does this need to be the case? In this conversation with Steven Hoskinson we explore the biology of trauma, how to expand our client’s processing capacity, fostering improvisation in coaching, the biological impact of wonder, the iSOMA model, negative reinforcement and the post-trauma growth trajectory. [Read more...]

Marcia Reynolds

Episode 123

Coach the Person, Not the Problem

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Coach the person, not the problem” before. But how do we implement that when faced with powerful client stories? In this conversation with executive coach Marcia Reynolds we explore the foundations of reflective inquiry, extracting meaning from story, helping our clients release identity restrictions and disrupt patterns and the critical difference between paying attention and presence. [Read more...]

Hans Phillips

Episode 122

Practicing Radical Integrity, Authenticity and Mastery in Coaching

What makes the ultimate difference between a beginner coach and a masterful coach? In this conversation with high performance consultant Hans Phillips we explore the shift from good coaching to masterful coaching, the dynamics of ease and flow, integrity in the coaching industry, intuition and ongoing personal development, helping clients with visioning blockages and the importance of having a healthy work/life balance as a coach. [Read more...]
Kari Granger

Kari Granger

Episode 121

Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness

In these fast-paced times, coaches can play a crucial role in shaping leadership and organizational change. In this conversation with executive coach Kari Granger we explore the ongoing shift in business consciousness, what leadership is, stakeholder leadership, partnering with the system, the coaching agenda and creating systemic change. [Read more...]

David Treleaven

Episode 118

Encountering Trauma in Coaching

As coaches, it’s important that we are clear on the level of care we are able to provide and when we need to refer a client to another mental health professional. In this conversation with trauma professional David Treleaven we explore the ubiquity of trauma, encountering trauma in a coaching session, resilience practices, dysregulation and nuance and working with the “window of tolerance”. [Read more...]

Ann Weiser Cornell

Episode 116

Focusing & The Forward Movement of Life

We can only move forwards if we start where we are; a powerful approach we can adopt as coaches is to cultivate deep presence and from there allow a forward movement to emerge organically. In this conversation with Focusing expert and innovator Ann Weiser Cornell we dive into the practice of focusing, how it works, why it’s so effective, working with emotions and parts, the wisdom of the body and the foundations of our inner world. [Read more...]

Linda Graham

Episode 115

Patient Abiding: Fostering Individual and Collective Resilience

In these uncertain times of global upheaval it is more important than ever to cultivate resilience; both in ourselves, our clients, and our communities. In this conversation with psychotherapist Linda Graham we explore transfering lessons from individual to collective resilience, the power of hope, cultivating resilient emotions, calming the nervous system, fostering positivity and working with the unsure part. [Read more...]
Headshot of Veronica Olalla Love

Veronica Olalla Love

Episode 114

The Power of Deep Listening

Attuning to different levels of perception through our quality of listening is something we do naturally as coaches, but learning to navigate this skill with even greater nuance is a limitless endeavor that is endlessly rich. In this conversation with CEO and facilitator Veronica Love we dive into the crisis of listening, the limitations of obvious realities, dynamic coherency, the power of pausing and non-conceptual modes of perception. [Read more...]

Jeremy Lent

Episode 113

Towards a Culture of Fractal Flourishing

As we collectively question the foundations of our global culture, its systems, and our individual lifestyles, we are in great need of guidance around human identity, values and how we create meaningful and life-honouring lives. In this conversation with author Jeremy Lent we dive into the methods and impact of meaning-making, the history and cultural differences of the human identity, mirror neurons and group coherence, hedonia and eudaimonia, and the possibility of fractal flourishing. [Read more...]

Your Host

Joel Monk

I’m a coach, trainer and entrepreneur.

Recently I saw on a deeper level how all the things in my life orient around cultivating a sense of ‘aliveness’. By this I mean – what is it to be awake and fully expressed in this moment? How can I metabolize the conditioning that binds me so that I can wake up into deeper expressions of authentic, embodied human presence?

I’m deeply committed to awakening the leader that lives in all of us. We’re all being invited to align with what wants to live through us and from here we can truly serve the world with our work.