A Live Online Coach Training

The Power of Embodied Transformation

Create lasting change with your coaching clients.


Learn to Access the Power of Embodied Change

Most approaches to change don’t stick.

They may offer powerful insights. Give us exciting ideas. Or change our perspective on things.

But they’re fundamentally incomplete. And the change they bring simply cannot last.

We’ve been seduced by insights, connecting cognitive dots, and the search for rational understanding.

But this isn’t enough.

We cannot think our way towards transformation. 

So much of who we’ve become — our habits, tendencies, blind spots, patterns of reactivity, areas of numbness (generally, the places where we’re stuck) live in the very tissues of our bodies.

And the body does not yield to insights alone.

To create true transformation, we must descend beneath the mind, however brilliant it might be, so we can access a wisdom beyond thought.

It’s here — in the wholeness of an embodied approach — where we find the intelligence of change. 

A change that sustains.

Embodied coaching is a process that allows you to connect with the entirety of your client — their thoughts, feelings, actions, spirit, and body. And in so doing, gives you access to an unparalleled depth of transformation.

During this training, you’ll learn directly from the founder of somatic coaching — Richard Strozzi-Heckler — alongside contemporary coaches who have integrated this powerful approach with new discoveries in neuroscience, trauma-work, and leadership development.

When you learn to coach somatically you’ll be able to…

  • Use the body as a gateway into your client’s world, helping you take your coaching conversations to a new level of depth
  • Recognize conditioned patterns in your clients as they arise, so that you can help them break stubborn and unhelpful habits
  • Design embodied practices for your clients, allowing them to embed the changes they make sustainably

This is what your client truly wants.

Not a better understanding of why they’re stuck, but a way forward. One based on wholeness and authenticity—so deeply felt and integrated that it lasts.

This is the Power of Embodied Transformation

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The Power of Embodied Transformation

19 Live Video Workshops

Learn live with our world-class faculty during 90-minute workshops, with breakouts and Q+A.

Earn 29.5 CCEUs

ICF Accredited Training (24.5 of the CCEUs are under the Core Competency Category)

4 Live Actualisation Sessions

Integrate and embody the principles of the program in deep practice space.

Bonus Recordings

Go even deeper with 6 workshop recordings from previous programs.

Workbooks & Transcripts

Receive 19 full transcripts, and 2 workbooks to help you integrate and apply your learning.

Fully Downloadable

All 23 live sessions are recorded and can be watched via replay or downloaded afterwards.

Meet the faculty for this training.

This program brings together the world’s leading somatic coaches and teachers, as well as the leading voices in trauma, stress and resilience. These remarkable practitioners are both experts in embodied change, and possess a palpable ability to transmit the heart of this work to you.

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  • Module 1
    Richard Strozzi-HecklerBebe Hansen

    The Journey of Embodied Transformation

    with Richard Strozzi-Heckler and Beatrice Hansen

    In the first part of the program, Richard and Beatrice will introduce you to the journey of embodied transformation and show you how to expand your client’s awareness, deepen their embodied presence, uncover powerful commitments, and work skillfully with their habitual tendencies.

    Click to see Workshops

      What You Will Learn in Module 1

    • Workshop 1
      Richard Strozzi-Heckler

      The Art of Somatic Coaching & the Power of Embodied Transformation

      with Richard Strozzi-Heckler

      Mar 3 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Learn the arc of somatic transformation—the fundamental backbone of the practice of somatic coaching. 
      • Participate in initial practices that reveal the embodied shape of your client, allowing you to skilfully lead them toward their goals and vision. 
      • Develop foundational skills in presence so you can engender trust and credibility with your clients.
    • Workshop 2
      Bebe Hansen

      Presence and Awareness as Foundational Elements of Transformative Change

      with Beatrice Hansen

      Mar 9 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Discover the power of presence, and how to embody this transformational quality
      • Learn how to guide your clients towards deeper awareness, giving them greater choice and more access to their coaching goals
      • Learn how the intelligence of presence can open us to greater capacity and resourcefulness, creating the conditions for sustainable change
    • Workshop 3
      Bebe Hansen

      Habit Nature and Embodiment

      with Beatrice Hansen

      Mar 16 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      6-7:30 PM Central European
      • Understand “Habit Nature” and the difference it makes to our client’s results
      • Learn what neuroscience has discovered about creating deep and lasting change
      • Discover new tools and coaching moves based on this scientific research
    • Workshop 4
      Bebe Hansen

      Commitments and the Journey of Transformation

      with Beatrice Hansen

      Mar 23 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      6-7:30 PM Central European
      • Explore the power and importance of the question: What are we really committed to?
      • Learn about the journey of transformation itself, and what it means to set out on the path towards change.
      • Discover how to invite and mobilize new behaviors in our clients that line up with where they most want to go
    • Workshop 5
      Bebe Hansen

      Presence-Based Resilience and Change

      with Beatrice Hansen

      Mar 30 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Explore the importance of resilience, and how it is a crucial capacity in these times
      • Discover how to access your own resilience as a coach, and how this can support your clients in connecting to their native abilities
      • Learn specific coaching moves that support resilience, so you can help your clients skillfully navigate the ever-changing conditions they are facing
  • Module 2
    Richard Strozzi-Heckler

    Creating Somatic Opening

    with Staci Haines, Alta Starr, and Richard Strozzi-Heckler

    In the second module of the program, Staci and Alta will support you in working skillfully with the different social contexts that shape your client's embodiment and conditioning. Then Richard will show you how to artfully navigate the potent unbounded terrain of somatic opening with your clients – where old habits and tendencies are losing their grip, but a new way of being is not yet fully formed.

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      What You Will Learn in Module 2

    • Workshop 6

      Sites of Shaping: Integrating a Clients’ Social Context into Coaching

      with Staci Haines

      Apr 6 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Understand your clients in the broader social contexts that “shape” them, allowing you to work across different cultures, genders and other social group memberships.
      • Increase your capacity to empathize and work with a wider range of clients, increasing your capacity to somatically build trust.
      • Widen the range of moves you have access to when clients are “stuck” in recurring patterns or moods, entrenched relational dynamics, and critical self-talk.
    • Workshop 7

      Conditioned Tendency: Understanding How Clients Get Stuck

      with Alta Starr

      Apr 13 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Learn what a “Conditioned Tendency” (CT) is, how it functions in your life, and ways to help clients identify them and work with them skillfully.
      • Understand how conditioned tendencies express through the body, so you can better understand your client's stuckness and support them in generating alternative responses.
      • Identify your own CT, so you can understand its benefits and liabilities in your work as a coach.
    • Workshop 8
      Richard Strozzi-Heckler

      Somatic Opening & The Unbounded Space

      with Richard Strozzi-Heckler

      Apr 20 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Discover the process of somatic openings and the stages of disorganization, giving you a powerful map with which to guide your coaching clients.
      • Learn to use the Arc of Transformation as both an assessment and somatic visioning tool and for your own personal development, increasing your own effectiveness as a coach.
      • Develop your capacity to feel the language and intelligence of the senses within your own body, giving you reliable access your own wisdom, competence, and intuition.
    • Workshop 9

      Connection & Resilience

      with Alta Starr

      Apr 27 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Learn about the stage of “Connection” in the Arc of Transformation, allowing you to facilitate your client's development with confidence and skill
      • Discover practices to build the competences of connection, equipping you to increase trust and authenticity with your clients.
      • Explore conflict as a generative force that deepens connection, and brings a nourishing dignity and aliveness.
  • Module 3

    Embodying New Ways of Being

    with Amanda Blake

    In the third module Amanda Blake will show you how to navigate the final phase of the embodiment cycle, that of embodying a new way of being through carefully crafted practices. This is where all the exploration and hard work of modules 1 and 2 come to fruition, allowing you to help your clients embody and embed their best self.

    Click to see Workshops

      What You Will Learn in Module 3

    • Workshop 10

      Developing Embodiment

      with Amanda Blake

      May 4 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Discover how embodied practice builds a sturdy bridge from old habitual behavior to new desired behavior.
      • Learn what to listen for in your client’s experience that will clue you in to the perfect-fit customized practice for them.
      • Explore the underlying role of neuroplasticity in creating lasting change, so you can ensure your practices will get results.
    • Workshop 11

      Embodying Your Best Self

      with Amanda Blake

      May 11 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Help your clients clarify who they most want or need to *become* in order to achieve their goals, and design practices around that.
      • Learn how to discover the physical aspects of any behavioral quality so that you can create relevant practices for your clients.
      • Learn how to combine both conceptual and embodied self-awareness for a highly customized and highly leveraged practice.
    • Workshop 12

      Designing & Deepening Practice

      with Amanda Blake

      May 18 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Explore how to design practices that are meaningful, experiential, and impactful, ensuring you can be maximally effective in helping your client grow.
      • Learn how to recognize subtle clues in your clients that will lead you to discover new and innovative embodied practices.
      • Discover the difference between “embedded” and “extra” practices — and how to embed practices in your client's life for far more powerful results.
  • Module 4

    Cultivating Resilience in the Face of Stress and Trauma

    with David Treleaven, Staci Haines, Deb Dana, Dan Siegel, and Anjuli Sherin

    In the final module, you will learn powerful methods and practices complementary to the core trajectory of modules one, two and three from some of the world’s leading voices in resilience-based and trauma-sensitive coaching. David, Deb, Dan, Anjuli and Staci will show you how you can help your clients feel safe, regulate their nervous systems and cultivate embodied resilience in the face of stress and trauma.

    Click to see Workshops

      What You Will Learn in Module 4

    • Workshop 13

      Bridging Embodiment, Trauma, and the Art of Coaching

      with David Treleaven

      Jun 1 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Learn core principles of trauma-informed coaching that can inform your work and practice;
      • Understand how to recognize signs and symptoms of trauma, enabling you to skillfully support your client through difficult moments.
      • Discover embodied practices that help your client feel safe during coaching sessions.
    • Workshop 14

      Keeping Clients Safe: Potential Pitfalls of Body-Based Attention in Coaching

      with David Treleaven

      Jun 8 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Discover how embodied awareness can be a double-edged sword for clients, and how you can work with this specifically.
      • Learn the ‘Window of Tolerance’ model, enabling you to understand how body-based practice can exceed a client’s capacity.
      • Explore best practices for trauma-informed coaching, equipping you with tools to support your clients in deep work.
    • Workshop 15

      Regenerating Safety, Belonging and Dignity: Embodied Skills Trauma Doesn't Teach Us

      with Staci Haines

      Jun 15 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Explore the mechanism behind survival strategies, and why they create particularly ‘sticky’ behaviors
      • Understand the connections between personal and systemic trauma
      • Learn how to help your clients develop new embodied skills that are in line with the changes they most want to make
    • Workshop 16

      Befriending the Nervous System: A Polyvagal Approach to Resilience and Healing

      with Deb Dana

      Jun 21 |
      10:00-12:00pm US Pacific
      7-9:00 PM Central European
      • Explore a powerful new view of social and emotional health through an understanding of the human nervous system 
      • Discover how to map the state of your nervous system (and that of your client) so that you can increase awareness and create more choice 
      • Learn key tools and exercises for autonomic regulation to support safety and connection
    • Workshop 17

      Stories of Safety and Connection: Helping Clients Anchor in Regulation

      with Deb Dana

      Jun 28 |
      10:00-12:00pm US Pacific
      7-9:00 PM Central European
      • Understand the distinct stories that emerge when your nervous system is in different states
      • Explore ways to anchor yourself in a regulated state so that you can create a space of safety and connection with your clients 
      • Learn to use micro-moments of regulation to reshape response patterns
    • Workshop 18

      IntraConnection: A New Way of Integrating Identity and Broadening Belonging

      with Dan Siegel

      Jul 7 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Learn the science of connection — what it’s made of, and how it can inform the practice of coaching
      • Understand how the experience of a separate, solo-self may underlie the many challenges we face, from racism and social injustice to environmental destruction. 
      • Explore the notion of MWe (Me + We) — a broadened sense of self that can play a pivotal role in how we help our human family move toward a new way of living on Earth
    • Workshop 19

      Joyous Resilience: Cultivating Aliveness to Thrive in Stressful Times

      with Anjuli Sherin

      Jul 14 |
      10:00-11:30am US Pacific
      7-8:30 PM Central European
      • Understand how suffering and resilience are inextricably tied to our relationship with our inner dialogue and emotions 
      • Explore four key inner forces—self-nurturance, protection, creativity, and soulfulness—and how we cultivate these generative resource states in our daily life
      • Learn ways to reconnect to our own wholeness, aliveness and joy-attuning to our needs and crafting resilience practices
    Ellen Waenink headshot

    Embodiment through Deep Practice

    with Ellen Waenink

    During each module, Ellen will lead you into a powerful practice space to help you deepen and grow as a coach. These Actualisation Sessions take full advantage of Zoom breakouts where you’ll practice coaching and being coached, enabling you to integrate and embody what you’ve been learning.

    Click to see Workshops

What our graduates say about the program

Life-altering. This course has given me the knowledge and techniques to help my clients process, understand and heal at deeper levels.

Mel Dodge

This course is profound. A real game changer. It has opened my eyes to a much broader skill set to conventional coaching. There is really no turning back!

Saoussan Ghandour
This program opened a whole new world to me. As a traditional executive coach, it helped me see a whole new world of potential with my coaching in ways I had not seen before.

Tom Adams

Truly enlightening and a must for understanding the foundation for transformational change

Sisi Provost

I found this course incredibly engaging.I knew there was something about somatics that was important in coaching. This has demonstrated that this is so much more than “something”. It is core to coaching… and to life. And yes you can experience working with the body on Zoom!! Incredible but true.

Laurence Monnery
An incredible journey that has awakened in me a genuine spirit of how I can serve myself so that I can be fully in service (and available) to others.

Paul Larsen

This course has been life changing. My coaching has been directly impacted as a result. I bring all of what I learned to my day to day coaching. My comfort level to purposefully work with my client’s somatic experience has increased significantly as a result.

Jennifer MacLeod

This course is deeply engaging and truly transformational! If you haven’t attended a Coaches Rising course before, you’ll be amazed at what you’ve been missing.

Sylvia Sage

This course has been an incredible value — both for my work with clients and my own embodiment and presence. I’ve also left with a trove of potential ideas and tools to further explore, develop and integrate. I absolutely recommend it!

Sally Anne Carrol

It has been transformational, personally and professionally. It has taken my coaching and business to a deeper, more profound level.

Kira Schoch
This has been a deeply transformative experience! I feel inspired and recharged. My coaching practice feels fresher, deeper and alive again!

Maria Connolly

Join the waitlist and get a free workshop recording now

If you have any questions about the training, you can contact us here.

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This Program is Created in Partnership With:

Strozzi Institute Embright Presence Based Coaching David Treleaven